Prescriber Services

At Gentry Health Services, we see the patient as a whole person. We understand the challenges people with complex health conditions face in trying to manage their unique and often complicated medication regimens. We aim to simplify their lives.
With education programs, individualized counseling and 24/7 assistance, we provide unparalleled support for both patients and providers. Our holistic and innovative strategies are designed to assist with adherence and improve patient outcomes.
Patient Care Coordinators and Clinical Pharmacist Support
Our team will be in touch with your patients regularly to ensure their needs are being met and their prescribed treatment is effective, appropriate, and safe. With the initiation of therapy and with each refill, our team will assess adherence as well as address any therapy-specific concerns. To meet your patient’s needs, our Clinical Pharmacists are available 24 hours a day/7 day a week to address any therapy concerns. Our team will communicate any concerns or challenges directly to your office for further assessment and evaluation as needed.
Insurance Verification and Prior Authorization
Our Patient Care Coordinators will assist your patient with verification of benefits, claims processing, and prior authorizations. Our team is also specifically trained to assist with co-pay and financial assistance programs to ensure your patient can access their prescribed medication and it is as affordable as possible.
Web Portal
Log into our convenient Prescriber Portal to track information related to your patient and their prescription order. With our Prescriber Portal, you have visibility into current order status, the ability to upload clinical documentation as well as electronically Letters of Medical Necessity, communicate directly with our care team and much more! For more information on how to gain access to our Prescriber Portal, please call 1-844-443-6879 and a member of our team will be happy to assist.
Enhanced Pharmacy Services
Gentry Health provides comprehensive therapy-specific programs and education for the below disease states in addition to many others!
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis
Atopic Dermatitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ulcerative Colitis
Crohns Disease
Hepatitis B and C
Multiple Sclerosis
Oral Oncology
Cystic Fibrosis
Rare Disease
Patient Management Program
Our patient management programs are conducted and maintained by our Patient Care Coordinators and our knowledgeable Clinical Pharmacists. Some benefits of our patient management programs:
- Education and product training to support every patient’s unique disease state for the safe administration of medications and to ensure optimal adherence to their prescribed medication regimen.
- Access to highly trained clinicians who facilitate therapeutic monitoring and care management between patients and healthcare providers to ensure that care is safe and appropriate.
- Provide communication directly to our prescribers with important details of your patient’s care for quick interventions as needed.